給茶機 粉末茶(パウダー茶) 抹茶 卸販売で商売繁盛を応援するサイト

業務用お茶 卸販売

hojicha powder Wholesale (Overseas)

ほうじ茶粉末 菓子原料

Hojicha is roasted to a fragrant aroma, so it can be used to make products that take advantage of its characteristics when added to sweets, such as ice cream, gelato, roll cake, castella, chiffon cake, latte, and the filling and skin of buns. Our Hojicha powder is made with different ingredients and roasting methods than regular Hojicha, with the assumption that it will be mixed into food. We recommend it for making products in a wide range of industries.

ほうじ茶粉末 スイーツ原料に

Soft-serve ice cream, gelato, shaved ice, chocolate,
Latte, cream puffs, tiramisu, tofu, pudding, steamed buns,
Tea dumplings, castella cakes, roll cakes, cookies, financiers, etc.

hojicha powder

業務用 抹茶1kg

hojicha powder
500g bag

・Origin: Japan 
・Expiration date: Refrigerated for 6 months


抹茶 業務用500g×2袋

hojicha powder
1kg bag

・Origin: Japan 
・Expiration date: Refrigerated for 6 months








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